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Informacje o producencieInformacje dotyczące produktu obejmują adres i powiązane dane producenta produktu.TrumpeterZhongShanNanLong Industrial Park,SanXiang,Chiny
Osoba odpowiedzialna w UE
Osoba odpowiedzialna w UEPodmiot gospodarczy z siedzibą w UE zapewniający zgodność produktu z wymaganymi przepisami.INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS GROUPBENEDYKTA HERTZA 2Warszawa,04 - 603Polska
Trumpeter 07131 M1117 Guardian Armored Security Vehicle (ASV) (1:72)
The M1117 Guardian ASV is a 4×4 wheeled armored patrol vehicle that entered service in order to replace the M1114 UAH within the MP units of the U.S.Army. The M1117 ASV is based on the Cadillac Gage LAV-150.The M1117 is fitted with the Up-gunned Weapon Station that is also mounted on the AAVP
Loaned M1117 ASVs are in service with the USMC,and the USAF owns two M1117s.The Iraq Civil Intervention Force operates
M1117 Guardian ASV first saw action in Kosovo in 2001.Today the bulk of the in-service vehicles are used for convoy escort duties in
Item No | 07131 |
Item Name | M1117 Guardian Armored Security Vehicle (ASV) |
Bar Code | 9580208071312 |
Scale | 1:72 |
Item Type | Plastic Model Armor Kit |
Model Brief | Length: 84.3mm Width: 37.3mm |
Total Parts | 30+ |
Metal Parts | n/a |
Photo Etched Parts | n/a |
Film Parts | n/a |
Resin Parts | n/a |
Total Sprues | 1 sprue , upper hull , lower hull and tires |
Released Date | 2017-08 |
More Features | The kit consists of over 30 parts |