ToRo Model 35D75 BRDM w Wojsku Polskim cz.2 1/35
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ToRo Model 35D19 - Captured cars in Polish service 1/35
A - Kubelwagen, 10th Mounted Rifle Regiment
Holland, 1945
B - Mercedes 170V, Logistic depots HQ of 2nd Polish Corps
Italy, 1945
C - Opel Olimpia, HQ 4th Armoured Brigade of Polish Army
Germany, 1945
D - Fiat Topolino, 11th MP Squadron of 2nd Polish Corps
Italy, 1945
E - Schwimmwagen, 11th MP Squadron of 2nd Polish Corps
Italy, 1945
F - Steyr 1500, Carpathian Lancers Regiment
Italy, 1944/45