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Informacje o producencie
Informacje o producencieInformacje dotyczące produktu obejmują adres i powiązane dane producenta produktu.TrumpeterZhongShanNanLong Industrial Park,SanXiang,Chiny
Osoba odpowiedzialna w UE
Osoba odpowiedzialna w UEPodmiot gospodarczy z siedzibą w UE zapewniający zgodność produktu z wymaganymi przepisami.INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS GROUPBENEDYKTA HERTZA 2Warszawa,04 - 603Polska
Trumpeter 03619 PLA Navy Type 051C DDG-115 Sheyang
skala 1:200
Plastikowy model do sklejania. Nie zawiera kleju ani farb.
Length overall: 154 m
Beam: 17 m
Displacement: 7000t
The overall design of 115 Shenyang/116 Shijiazhuang Guide Missile Destroyer looks like an enlarged Project 051B DDG. It features the RIF-M vertically launched SAM system ordered from Russia. A total of 48 missiles are housed in 6 revolver launchers. The missile has a range of 120km. Its fire control radar is Top Plate phased array radar which can direct 12 missiles to engage 6 targets simultaneously. In addition to the RIF-M SAM system, A total of 8 YJ-83 launchers are installed, two Type 730 CIWS are installed at midship.
Item No 03619
Item Name PLA Navy Type 051C Air-Defense DDG
Bar Code 9580208036199
Scale 1:200
Item Type Static Warship
Model Brief Length: 777.5mm Beam:85.5mm
Total Parts 600+
Metal Parts anchor chain
Photo Etched Parts 3 pcs
Film Parts n/a
Resin Parts n/a
Total Sprues 14 sprues , hull and decks
Released Date 2014-04
More Features " - hull made from two-directional slide molds
- The Deck is split into two pieces
- one KA-27 included w/ fine details.
- photo etched frets for handrais,ladders , radar parts etc."