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Model: Trumpeter 01046
Producentský kód: 01046
Hmotnost výrobku: 1.3 kg
Termín dodání: 24 hodin 
Prodané výrobky: 1
EAN: 9580208010465
Výrobce: Trumpeter

Trumpeter 01046 Mittlere Artillerie Raketen System MARS 1/35

M270 MLRS(M270 Multiple Launch Rocket System, often abbreviated as M270 MLRS) is a feature armored self-propelled multiple rocket launcher weapon system. Since 1983, the U.S. military first used the M270 rocket launchers, NATO member states have begun to adopt a number of M270, and gradually become NATO standard weapons. After the United States and European countries produced a total of approximately 1,300 units of M270 and about 700,000 branch rocket. When in 2003, after delivery of the last batch of the Egyptian Army M270, M270 officially discontinued.Among them, the German army active duty 50 vehicles, 202 vehicles used for backup.

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