ToRo Model 35F109 Wojna Zimowa - Armia Fińska - Młody Łącznik z Psem / Winter War 1939-40 - Young messenger boy with his dog 1/35 Product Available! 1 Qty Products sold: 0 81,85 PLN* * incl. VAT
ToRo Model 35F108 Wrzesień 1939 - Broń Panc. Głowy / September 1939 - Polish armour forces - Heads 1/35 Product Available! 2 Qty Products sold: 0 43,66 PLN* * incl. VAT
ToRo Model 35F107 Polska Międzywojenna - Płk. Bolesław Wieniawa-Długoszowski / Interwar Poland - Col. Boleslaw Wieniawa-Dlugoszowski commander of the 1st Regiment of the chevaliers 1/35 No product in stock. Notify me when in stock. Products sold: 0 159,04 PLN* * incl. VAT
ToRo Model 35F106 Lata Czterdzieste - Rikszarz /The Forties - Rickshaw driver 1/35 Product Available! 1 Qty Products sold: 0 48,34 PLN* * incl. VAT
ToRo Model 35F105 Zaślubiny z Morzem 1920 / Polish-Bolshevik War 1920 - General Józef Haller 1/35 Product Available! 1 Qty Products sold: 0 67,84 PLN* * incl. VAT
ToRo Model 35F104 Wrzesień 1939 - Polski Spadochroniarz z PM Mors / September 1939 - Polish Paratrooper with Mors machine gun 1/35 Product Available! 1 Qty Products sold: 0 57,69 PLN* * incl. VAT
ToRo Model 35F103 Wrzesień 1939 - Żołnierz Piechoty w Pełnym Wyposażeniu Polowym / September 1939 - Polish Soldier with full field equipment 1/35 Product Available! 1 Qty Products sold: 0 57,69 PLN* * incl. VAT
ToRo Model 35F102 PKW Afganistan - Jeden z Rosomaka / Polish Army in Afghanistan - Rosomak crewman one figurine with decals 1/35 No product in stock. Notify me when in stock. Products sold: 0 57,69 PLN* * incl. VAT
ToRo Model 35F11 Powstanie Warszawskie - Oficer Armii Podziemnej / Warsaw Uprising 1944 - Home Army Officer 1/35 Product Available! 2 Qty Products sold: 0 48,34 PLN* * incl. VAT
-12% MiniArt 35364 PANZER CREW. FRANCE 1944 1/35 Product Available! 9 Qty Products sold: 3 51,96 PLN* Savings 6.24 PLN 45,72 PLN* * incl. VAT
ToRo Model 35F06 Powstanie Warszawskie - dowódca oddziału / Warsaw Uprising 1944 - Squad commander 1/35 Product Available! 1 Qty Products sold: 0 48,34 PLN* * incl. VAT
ToRo Model 35F03 Powstanie Warszawskie - Łączniczka AK / Warsaw's Uprising girl courier - Polish Home Army 1944 1/35 Product Available! 3 Qty Products sold: 0 48,34 PLN* * incl. VAT
ToRo Model 32F04 Wrzesień 1939 - Pilot z Eskadry Kościuszkowskiej / Polish-Bolshevik War 1920 - Polish Fighter Pilot, 7th Kosciuszko Squadron 1/32 No product in stock. Notify me when in stock. Products sold: 0 57,69 PLN* * incl. VAT
ToRo Model 32F03 Wrzesień 1939 - Pilot w Mundurze Wyjściowym / September 1939 - Polish Fighter Pilot in full dress uniform 1/32 No product in stock. Notify me when in stock. Products sold: 0 57,69 PLN* * incl. VAT
ToRo Model 32F02 Wrzesień 1939 - Pilot w Kombinezonie Drelichowym / September 1939 - Polish Fighter Pilot in denim flying-suit 1/32 Product Available! 1 Qty Products sold: 0 57,69 PLN* * incl. VAT
ToRo Model 32F01 Wrzesień 1939 - Pilot w Płaszczu Skórzanym / Polish Fighter Pilot in leather greatcoat 1/32 Product Available! 1 Qty Products sold: 0 57,69 PLN* * incl. VAT
Dragon 3302 SEAL 1/35 No product in stock. Notify me when in stock. Products sold: 0 50,34 PLN* * incl. VAT
Dragon 6509 GERMAN ROCET LAUCHER W/CREW 1/35 No product in stock. Notify me when in stock. Products sold: 1 97,80 PLN* * incl. VAT
502 Abteilung ABT1028 THE OLD PIRATE SCALE 1/10 Product Available! 1 Qty Products sold: 0 155,52 PLN* * incl. VAT
502 Abteilung ABT1027 PIRATE CAPTAIN, 1700 1/12 Product Available! 1 Qty Products sold: 0 160,02 PLN* * incl. VAT
502 Abteilung ABT1026 PIRATE, MADAGASCAR 1720 1/12 Product Available! 1 Qty Products sold: 0 151,12 PLN* * incl. VAT
502 Abteilung ABT1025 93RD HIGHLANDERS, BALAKLAVA 1854 1/10 No product in stock. Notify me when in stock. Products sold: 0 155,52 PLN* * incl. VAT
ICM DS3519 Fierce battle. American Civil War Union Infantry. Set 2, Confederate Infantry. Set 2 1/35 Product Available! 2 Qty Products sold: 1 174,37 PLN* * incl. VAT
ICM 48090 RAF Bomber and Torpedo Pilots 1939-1945 1/48 Product Available! 5 Qty Products sold: 3 47,44 PLN* * incl. VAT