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Artikelnummer: Ultimate Modelling Products UMP023
Herstellercode: UMP023
Gewicht: 0.1 Kg
Verkaufte Produkte: 0

Ultimate Modelling Products UMP023 Burnishing Liquid 125ml

Ten nowy produkt jest niezbędny dla każdego modelarza.

Wystarczy zanurzyć malowany element w cieczy na kilka minut, a metal zacznie wydawać się ciemny i zardzewiały, łatwo i bez wysiłku. Możesz zmieniać efekt stosując różne rozcieńczenia i czasy w roztworze.

New product is a must for any armour modeller that likes to upgrade there AFV tracks to something like the Friul Models excellent metal track systems.  For a non-uniform finish leaving a plethora of tonal variation that needs no extra weathering afterwards.

Extensively tested to work with most types of metal track, but especially those from Friul Models, you can now naturally weather white metal tracks. Just dip the tracks in the liquid for a few minutes and the metal will begin to appear dark and rusty, easily and effortlessly. You can vary the effect using different dilutions and lengths of time in the solution as well as different types of agitation.

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