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Artikelnummer: Trumpeter 01680
Herstellercode: 01680
Gewicht: 0.8 Kg
Verkaufte Produkte: 4
EAN: 9580208016801
Hersteller: Trumpeter

Trumpeter 01680 MiG-31B/BM Foxhound 1/72

The Mig-31 'Foxhound' was developed as the replacement of the Mig-25 'Foxbat',the prototype Ye-155MP took the first flight on 16 September 1975.As the heaviest fighter/interceptor in the world,the Mig-31 is much heaver than other similar aircrafts.At the same time,tow powerful D-30-F6 engines and a stronger airframe gave it a top speed to Mach 2.8 at high-altitude and Mach 1.23 at low-altitude.

   The Mig-31B were put out under the threaten of the western countries in the 1980s,they can be regarded as the mixture of the Mig-31BS which developed from the basic Mig-31 sans suffixe and the Mig-31DZ,the IFR system testbed,however,a series of new avionics and WCS made it much more efficient than any other version.

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